What I See U See

Pictures from around the world, Farrell style

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

At the top. wet, cold and tired, at 6 o clock in the morning.

A brief glimps of the peak from bace camp

Here are the records for up and down the mountain, thats 21km, what we did in two days!!!
Completly amazing, you are climbing up at almost 45 degree angle nearly all the time.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The stilt village around BSB, Brunei

NIght markets In KK, Malaysia

Markets and Monkeys

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Some Mosques around Brunei

Fishing with Alison and her brother

making hast away from a logadile

Fishing In the Northern Territory

Wate a min, that ant no log..

That aint no fish...

Salty crock for sure!!, luckly i'v lern't from Stev's mistakes..

Cattle station, Mardie, WA

Taming the beast